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Corruption and bribery as well as granting and accepting advantages
Unauthorized theft and appropriation of objects or money, e.g. keeping things that have been handed over, pocketing other peoples things, reaching into the cash box.
Deception to damage the assets of another, own enrichment, abuse of power of disposal or of a fiduciary relationship to financial disadvantage, such as swindling of benefits, excessive invoicing, etc.
Violation of the requirements for proper accounting, such as requirements for double-entry accounting, which lead to incorrect amounts. Incorrect posting of transactions that lead to incorrect amounts in the financial or operating budget.
Data protection breaches , rights of data subjects under the GDPR and unauthorized interference with privacy.
Violation of occupational health and safety regulations designed to prevent health hazards and occupational accidents.
Sexual behaviour that is not desired by the person concerned, degrading or humiliating comments and actions, invasion of privacy, including bullying or bossing.
My report relates to more than one of the above categories or another offence punishable by penalties or fines in accordance with the scope of application of the Whistleblower Protection Act. (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz - HinSchG).